Pacific Coast Highway
Every day at least few times I hear people ask me “how do you feel NOW about your commute to work”.
Well, you know, I had started to work here about 7 months ago. My work is pretty far from where I live. There is a long way of 56 miles (one way) to drive to work and in a normal day it takes me 1,5 hour to get here and almost the same to go back home. For a Morning-person like me, it is hard to start work at 9:30 and I loose a very big amount of time.
But, what those people don’t know is the magic of Pacific Coast Highway. PCH is a narrow road by Pacific Ocean. It goes from South Los Angeles to somewhere close to San Francisco.
The first time I was driving in it, I was totally lost in the curves and the view. There were some curves that my whole body wanted to be eye and look at the ocean, but my brain was telling me “look straight”, look straight”… It is a great scenery road. I think I am very lucky that I have to drive through PCH.
The ocean is so beautiful. It is like a live creature that changes every day. It is color is so amazing. Especially in the morning when the sun is rising, it is like it shines as gold, dark blue, light green and even some kind of bright gray. Even in foggy days it is so beautiful.
Last week, driving to work I saw someone was canoeing right by Getty Village shore and two dolphins were swimming along his canoe.
So, dolphins and the magic of PCH doesn’t let me getting tired and I am so thankful