Friday, March 21, 2008

my haft-seen

This post is to only for Nazy joon. Just to say thank you for asking how am I doing and wishing me good things.
You are so wonderful dear. I hope everybody's new year is full of happy events. Mine didn't start that well, but let's hope for the best.



Blogger مسعود said...

سلام خانم عظیم پور
سال نو بر شما و خانواده و بستگان و دوستان مبارک باشد.اگر از او بدانیم هر چه آید خیر است
برقرار باشید

Blogger Marmar said...

hi dear chakameh.iam so happy to fnd your weblog. i have a weblog too. i send you some of my links that every word on it comes up rom my heart
your previous post was great..
my weblog is:
i wrote somethng but one thing that i really like you read is in soscial and political archive!(arshive mozaie weblogam dar ghesmate deltangihaie siasi ejtemaii) and the subject is: "man1" "man2" "man3" "man va baz ham man" i hope you read them wehne ver you have time and say your opinion.
kiss you dear.

Blogger Nazy said...

My Beautiful and Sweet Chakameh:

Happy New Year! Your haft sin was gorgeous! Thank you for the honor and for the good vibes my friend.

I should have come and seen this sweet post earlier, leaving this comment much much sooner. Please forgive me for I have been sidetracked by life! I hope the new year is filled with joy and health and love for you. Finding you last year was one of the best events of the year for me. I hope our friendship continues to grow and to prosper. It is a true honor to know you Chakameh Jan. I hope we get to meet in person this year.

Take care and thank you again.


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