Thursday, August 30, 2007

Good things, like Mint tea.....

I am sitting here, with one cup of Mint tea. I like it British Style, with milk. It is so relaxing.
A housekeeper is cleaning my home today. That is such a relief. The home will shine and smells good when I return.
My parents are coming for visit. They will arrive on Saturday. This is better than anything else is. I have not seen them since I came to the US, it is about 2 years and 3 months…………….I can’t believe it.
Work is going well; all the assays that I have designed are launched and performing regularly. It is very good for my career. So, I am happy about them.
Since mid-summer I have been invited to teach in the College. It was as if one of my long lasted dreams was coming true. Then I was invited to continue teaching, this time Biology for Non-Majors in fall. Such a challenge it is for me. I really like it. Every day I wake up with so many good thoughts, and even though it is very time demanding and full of responsibility, I am very happy to do that.
And above all, in the new home we bought, I feel so great. It is kind of house that I would dream about it my whole life. Some nights, I walk in the back yard, especially in full moon, like a ghost and just thank God for giving me the life I have. It is such a great feeling to walk in owns home, feeling “we have accomplish it”. Amir and I bought the home, with no help from nobody. It was solely his and mine work, and thanks God, our work was fully rewarded. The home is lovely, the neighbors are lovely, and I feel so peaceful in the home.
Since 16 years ago, I have been living in 4 different cities from 6 months to 4 years. I never could feel as if I belong there. I always carried the sense of “I will move soon”. Now I am sitting here, with my cup of Mint tea, remembering the tough time of living lonely and having hard time ( and also good time) in all those years, and I can plan for next year, and the year after that, and years after that, as long as I am alive. I may have to leave the world soon (I hope not), but even so, I can do that easily.
There is this poem of my beloved Poet; Forough, “And here I am, a lonely woman, in the beginning of the cold season”. This is one of my most favorite poems. Now I just want to change it a little bit for my own, and say: “And here I am, a woman in the beginning of her 34th year, full of dreams and plans for future, and satisfied (somehow) with what she had done”.
I don’t want to forget that I owe a great thank to my parents who supported me mentally and financially as much as they could. I can’t ignore the fact that they sacrificed their hobbies and vacations to help me finance my expensive graduate school in Tehran. They helped me following my dreams.
I wish I could pass all the positive energy that I have now to those Iranian, especially Iranian girls and women, whom I read their weblogs and I feel as if they are a little bit down some time. I really wish there was a way in the internet to reach that person, say some few words, and share the sad moments. I know all of us are immigrants. We left the valuable part of memories and happiness of us back home. No matter how happy I feel here, I can’t stop myself thinking why am I so far from my families and friends. I think we all have the same lonely moments.
So, at the end, I wish you, who are reading this lines now, got a good sense of relaxation, believed in good and think of good things like Mint tea.


Blogger bijan said...

Hello Chakameh! I'm sorry; I'm not too good in this department (marriage advice!) Well, I have my opinion, but I should keep it to myself. Oh well, now that you ask, I think it’s better that she found out now! I could have offered more, if I had known of their marriage dynamics (how old they are, how many years they’ve been married, how many kids, how old, & etc…) Anyhow, I sympathize with her, but like I said, there is more to the story and I’m not sure what else to add, if any! Btw, thanks for the “book” thing and I will get back to you on that soon. Hope you are doing fine in your newly found haven 
I like tea the same way, well most of the time, at home, when I can add "sugar free" coffee creamer instead of milk! Good for you and granulations is in order on your new lovely house& the rest of your accomplishments.
I too taught for 2 semesters at Cal State Univ. Fullerton, while I was a undergraduate senior myself attending school there at the same time. Not at the time, but later on, I was so proud of my achievement, not to mention that I was one of few who as a undergraduate, was offered that Job! I was so excited and felt such a responsibility that I spent more time on preparation for my 2 classes than I did studying for my own classes. I was being paid for 4 and ½ hours (3 units + office hour) and I got to use a an office in the same floor as the rest of the FULL professors and the fact that at the time, apparently, CSUF, valued a “Computer Science” course over a math subject. They were paying me $3.00 more per hour than my math major graduate friends. That was always a sore subject and a good bragging right and a tease to have fun with


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